Guatemala Jose Humberto
Seasonal Single Origin
Roast Level: Light Roast
Notes: Merlot • Oak • Lychee
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All coffee orders will be sent the following Thursday.
This masterpiece requires part genius, creativity, and a lot of hard work. The genius comes from Jose Humberto’s father, whose background is in agrochemistry. His knowledge, paired with Jose Humberto’s creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, created this secret family recipe. They use a yellow Catuai varietal carefully selected and grown at over 5,200 feet in the small mountain town of Mataquescuintla. Their family has grown coffee here for generations, with each generation improving upon the former.

About the Coffee


Tasting Notes
Merlot • Oak • Lychee

Yellow Catuai from Matasequintla


Roast Level
Light Roast